SIEM REAP: Officials report that more than 60% of the nearly 50,000 registered businesses in the province of Siem Reap have already been covered in the 2022 Economic Census.
The Director of the Siem Reap Provincial Department of Planning, Hak Sotheara, has informed the Siem Reap Provincial Information Department that interviews for the economic census were conducted on all public and private enterprises that completed the economic registration and mapping process in 2021.
From 1-9 March 2022, census officials conducted interviews with people shopping in front of their houses, out on the streets, at guesthouses, hotels, companies, etc., all large and small businesses, except for businesses of embassies and within the agricultural sector.
Director Hak Sotheara said that the interview process for the 2022 economic census went smoothly, and over these stated nine days, more than 200 census officials interviewed about 48,600 enterprises, equivalent to more than 60 percent.
The census is expected to be completed by the end of March. The census work program consists of 20 days of interviews and 10 days of time to summarize the results.
However, Director Hak Sotheara said that the 2022 economic census is difficult and a little challenging because some people do not cooperate with the census officials, especially the people in Siem Reap, as they are mistaken that the economic census is intended to place taxes on their businesses. However, after the guidance of the census officer and the intervention of the local authorities and relevant institutions, people have been more willing to give a normal interview.
Separately, in 11 other districts in Siem Reap, regular interviews were conducted.
He asked people to participate in conducting interviews with census officials in a timely manner, clarifying that the economic census is conducted confidentially and anonymously.
The Royal Government of Cambodia implemented the second economic census to develop the country, starting from 1 March 2022, and ending on 31 March 2022. Census data will be collected from all economic entities, enterprises, handicraft businesses, wholesale, retail and other services.